Swing for Certification: Cowboys Golf Club | Sunday June 22, 2025
LPF established this memorial fund as a way to honor LP professionals and to offer assistance to their families who suffer a loss of their loved one while conducting the duties of our profession. In addition to distributing funds to the families of the fallen, the LPBF was established to provide financial grants to eligible participants who have
experienced a serious life-changing injury while performing the duties of their profession.|. Applications for assistance made to LPBF will be kept confidential except as required by law.
11:30 AM | Registration | Registration Desk @ Cowboys Golf Club |
12:00 PM | Lunch Available | Patio @ Cowboys Golf Club |
01:30 PM | Shotgun Start | Golf Carts @ Cowboys Golf Club |
06:00 PM | Reception | Event Room @ Cowboys Golf Club |
1600 Fairway Drive
Grapevine, Texas, United States
+1 (817) 481-7277